Tips And Tricks For Home-Based Learning With Children

Parents can support their children during these challenging times by creating learning opportunities at home. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered people’s lifestyles, either temporarily or permanently, and children have been particularly impacted as they are unable to attend school or socialize with peers. However, parents have the opportunity to assist their children in adjusting to the current situation by offering educational activities at home.

Arrange a timetable

Establishing a schedule for yourself and your child can be helpful in reducing the stress caused by the changes in daily life due to the pandemic. This can include incorporating learning activities into specific times of the day to provide additional attention to your child. By doing so, you can give them a sense of structure and something to look forward to daily. It is recommended to explain the pandemic to your child to address any anxiety they may be experiencing and to establish open communication as a foundation for creating a new routine together.

Adapt to the current situation

Many families are facing the prospect of their children starting school at home for the first time. This unprecedented situation can understandably be stressful, causing anxiety and difficulties at first. However, it’s important to recognize that there is still an opportunity to adapt to this new normal. To help your child adjust to learning at home, there are several steps you can take:

  • If possible, create a separate workspace for your child.
  • Remove any distractions from the surrounding area, such as turning off the TV and keeping mobile gadgets and games out of reach.
  • Provide support and monitor your child during the first few days of remote learning.
  • Set aside time after online classes to discuss the day’s learning, and to offer help or answer any questions your child may have.

Adapt and gain knowledge through experience

Encourage your child to share what they miss about school and think of ways to recreate a similar experience at home. You can try these simple tips:

  • Involve your child in basic household chores appropriate for their age, such as feeding pets or putting away toys. This teaches responsibility and helps keep things organized at home.
  • Use online tools to facilitate socialization with friends and family.
  • Solve puzzles or play board games together to bond and improve cognitive skills.
  • Learn a new hobby or develop an existing skill like playing an instrument or dancing.
  • Cooking or baking can help your child follow instructions and improve their math skills. Prepare healthy meals to ensure your family is getting proper nutrition.
  • Watch age-appropriate movies together and discuss the story afterwards.

Learning at home doesn’t have to be expensive or structured. Adapt to your child’s age and set achievable goals together. Don’t forget to prioritize your own well-being and make time for yourself. Remember to improvise and learn along the way.

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